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What’s inside… FAnews Magazine February 2025

03 February 2025 Rianet Whitehead

A fresh, clean slate… or at least, that’s what a new year should feel like. Many people have indicated that they’ve hit the ground running with a not-so-clean slate at the start of 2025. I want to feel positive about this year, as there are many signs pointing toward a slightly more optimistic outlook. But are my feelings aligned with the reality of the economy, the political environment, and business in general? I’m keen to hear what the overall sentiment is, especially among advisers and brokers.

Conversations around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology have dominated much of the industry discussion. However, what’s clear is that AI cannot replace trust and empathy (the human element is key). This is why brokers, advisers, and intermediaries will never be replaced - not in my lifetime, at least. AI tools, however, do make our lives a lot easier. I’m determined to learn a few new skills this year, specifically in the AI space, but only to enhance the service we provide, not to replace people or jobs within our business.

During filming of The Insurance Apprentice 2025 earlier this month, there were several discussions about skills and knowledge transfer. There are certainly some perceptions and questions surrounding these topics. The young professionals we work with are eager to grow and learn. After all, they have put their hands up for one of the most gruelling experiences you can go through… and they’re full of debates about the “how.” How do they find the best mentors? How do they reach the level they aspire to if the right people aren’t willing to support them? How do they learn the way the veterans learned? What’s missing, and how do we fix it? Let’s keep the conversation going, because the challenge is real, and we’re desperate to preserve and expand our knowledge. These young professionals are eager and ready.

It’s a new year! That means new opportunities, fresh ideas, and perhaps a new way of doing things. Let’s bring about positive change, let’s be kind, and let’s continue educating our clients about the value we bring to the economy.

Enjoy 2025 and have a great read!

Below, we have highlighted some of the articles in this first edition of the year. There are more, so be sure not to miss out on the ones we have not highlighted below.

CPD Articles

Short-term (IISA Approved)
The ethics of predictive analytics in underwriting
Climate adaptation vs climate mitigation: where should insurance stand?
Decentralised insurance: will blockchain replace traditional models?
Emerging liability risks... it remains a hot topic with the new liability exposures
When sentiment meets indemnity: helping clients understand insurance value
Emerging liability risks...

Life, Investments, EB, Healthcare, etc (FPI Approved)

A return to normality: has inflation been tamed?
AI, HRV & VO2 MAX - poised to revolutionise life insurance experiences through 2025
Client aspirations take centre stage as advisers rethink retirement planning
Unexpected outcomes: Two-Pots withdrawals expose serious retirement fund violations
Supporting the sandwich generation with Gap cover
When can a medical scheme cancel membership for non-disclosure?

The list of articles worth reading continues…

The Year Ahead
The future is now
2025… a year of complex challenges and opportunities

In the news
Skills and knowledge transfer: what’s the solution?
Is embedded insurance the end of traditional broker channels?
More than cover: integrating mental well-being into insurance
The importance of a diverse workforce

Santam recognised as South Africa's leading insurer in 2025 Top Employer certification
The power of empathy: bridging the gap in insurance
Partner with MUA
Balancing stability and responsible investing: Sanlam's Smoothed Bonus Portfolios
EasyProtect: a tangible connection between insurance and investing
A new era for advisers: embracing the integration of banking and insurance

Regular Features
The constitutional Court weighs in on non-disclosure in medical schemes

Preparing the ground-level workforce for the AI-powered future

Where is short-term insurance heading in the digital age?
Unseen risks: insuring against the impact of AI gone wrong
From science fiction to strategy: how digital twins could revolutionise insurance
AI and the future of underwriting - a big win for insurance
Building trust through transparency

The insured's duty to disclose: court upholds insurer’s decision to repudiate claim over non-disclosure
Personalised pricing and its legal implications in SA

Maximise TFSA contributions before year-end
Stablecoins: a silver lining in SA’s evolving investment landscape
How top CEOs can transform shareholder value

Needs-matched cover is the future

Advisers need to remind Millennials of the real value of an RA

Prioritising mental health: a shift from reactive to proactive approaches

Editor’s thoughts:

It’s a new year, and we are ready to serve you even better this year. Our continuous goal remains the same: to educate, inform, and keep you updated on all things insurance and financial services. Our passion is real, and we will always strive to find better and new ways to discuss the things that matter. Let us know if you have topic ideas, specific questions, or just a need to read more about something you’ve been thinking about for a while. We’re here to serve! 

Have a blessed and healthy 2025!

Quick Polls


South Africa went to Davos to pitch itself as an investor-friendly destination, then signed an Expropriation Act. What message does this send to global investors?


Invest at your peril
SA is open for business
Two steps forward, one land grab back
Welcome to Hotel California
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This month's headlines

Unseen risks: insuring against the impact of AI gone wrong
Machine vs human: finding the balance
Is embedded insurance the end of traditional broker channels?
Client aspirations take centre stage as advisers rethink retirement planning
Maximise TFSA contributions before year-end
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