The South African Weather Service has issued a warning of heavy rainfall, which could lead to localised flooding in parts of Gauteng.
Old Mutual Insure recommends the following guidelines to plan around weather incidences:
• With heavy rain and flooding, road conditions often deteriorate. Keep an eye out for potholes and drive cautiously as these are often hidden on the road by water.
• When driving in the rain, drivers should increase their following distance by a minimum of three cars, driving speed should be decreased and the vehicle’s headlights and hazards should be turned on.
• Where possible, try and avoid driving, especially through flooded areas. However, should you need to, drive slowly and continually to avoid seizing your engine.
• Should you be stuck in a flash flood, move as quickly as possible to higher ground remain there until assistance arrives.
• If your car is taking on water due to the flooding, do not open the door. Instead, climb through your window and head for safety.