Risk Benefit Solutions (RBS) announced, it is making the Emergency 9 (E9) service - an intelligent location, information and distress service - free to its clients as part of the financial service group’s efforts to provide a holistic service beyond just insurance policies.
E9, the brainchild of a Gauteng paramedic, turns a person’s cellphone into a mobile panic button by alerting four family members or friends of an emergency involving the subscriber, as well as becoming a vital source of medical information for paramedics at the scene of the accident. All this just by pressing number nine on the cellphone’s keypad.
Michael Petersen, Group Chief Executive, of RBS says: "RBS revolves around protecting its clients from loss and looking after their assets. And E9, we feel, is a superb way to helpprotect and safeguard their greatest asset: their own safety. E9 is just one of the ways we seek to add value to our customers."
Petersen said RBS clients need only follow a simple procedure to activate their free E9 service, shortly after which they will be contacted about the service. Petersen describes the service as one of the most effective he’s come across.
If the E9 subscriber is in an emergency situation, pressing the number nine button will alert four people about the location of the person in distress as well as relevant medical details. The same medical details are also sent to the person’s phone allowing emergency personnel access to critical information. A vital service if the phone’s owner is unable to communicate.
A further advantage of the E9 service is that the four designated people the subscriber has selected, also get to register on the E9 system - at no charge - and enjoy the same benefits. The E9 service works on all cell phones and all South African mobile phone networks. All medical data is kept private and protected.