Lights, camera, education!
06 March 2014
Sasja la Grange, Bestmed
Following a successful launch of the Healthy Habits initiative in 2013, Bestmed in collaboration with CANSA and Incolabs, will take this theatrical production to Atterbury Theatre at the Lynnwood Bridge Centre on Monday, 10th March. The initiative is meant to educate scholars about the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle, amongst others and caring for one’s skin.
According to the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), Melanoma – one of the most dangerous forms of skin cancer – is one of the 10 leading cancers in men and women. Based on the principles of preventative healthcare, Bestmed Medical Scheme joined forces with CANSA and Incolabs to embark on an educational drive to inform school children from previously disadvantaged and established schools on general skin care, cancer and the realities of this disease.
"This year, we will drive this great initiative to more schools using the powerful medium of edutainment with the aim of educating more children and parents alike about the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. This is in line with our strategic wellness pillars; Be Active, Be Safe, Be Nutri-Wise, Be Happy and Be Fin-Wise,” says Sasja La Grange, Manager of CSI at Bestmed.
Commencing this year, the initiative will also include a play for high school scholars called ‘Choose Life’, which will emphasise issues faced by teens in high school.
The Bestmed Healthy Habits initiative involves a theatrical skit featuring distinct characters. "There’s Dr Brilliant Bestie, who promotes a healthy lifestyle, while Sally Sweetheart plays the heart. Healthy Hannah exemplifies a healthy lifestyle and eats lots of fruits and vegetables, drinks a lot of water and exercises,” says La Grange.
Bad Habit Ben is an unhealthy person due to the habits he has adopted, while the role of Toktokkie aka Tap-Tap (CANSA mascot) is to encourage leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Bad habits are further demonstrated through characters, such as Coughy Cigarette & Fast Phat Combo.
Incolabs partnered with Bestmed and CANSA and will be distributing free sunscreen lotion (Everysun and Tropitone) to ensure that learners and educators start caring for their skin.
"By educating children, we are entrenching healthy habits into families and communities, which is a key long-term drive to educate the nation and combat the burgeoning of crippling lifestyle diseases,” concludes La Grange.
If schools would like to participate in the Healthy Habits and Choose Life initiatives, they can contact Sasja La Grange at