Two of MET Collective Investments' co-labeled collective investments won the coveted Raging Bull Awards on Wednesday evening at the Bay Hotel in Camps Bay, Cape Town. Details of these awards are below.
36ONE MET Equity Fund
This award recognised the consistent, industry-leading investment returns delivered by the 36ONE MET Equity Fund since its launch in 2012. The investment landscape in South Africa has changed rapidly over the last three years, which has made for very challenging investment conditions. 36ONE Asset Management's ability to successfully navigate this environment stems from the investment manager's willingness to take a completely benchmark-agnostic approach. Evan Walker, the portfolio manager, carefully evaluates macroeconomic drivers and combines these with sector and stock-specific analysis to arrive at a portfolio that has risk management as a top priority, while still delivering attractive growth. In addition, 36ONE’s dynamic investment process enables it to swiftly adjust its portfolio positioning in response to continually evolving risks and opportunities.
Following a number of strong years for the South African equity market, 36ONE prioritised capital preservation over growth in the last year and for the year ahead, the investment manager remains cautious given the economic uncertainties that are prevalent locally and abroad. However, investors in the 36ONE MET Equity Fund can take comfort in the fact that the investment process that produced the exceptional returns of the last three years remains unchanged and that 36ONE is well positioned to preserve and grow its clients’ wealth.
Platinum MET Balanced Prudential Fund of Funds
Platinum Portfolios does thoughtful investing for private clients. The Platinum MET Balanced Prudential Fund of Funds was launched on 10 November 2005 and has a 10-year track record. The portfolio is managed by Mel Meltzer and Charolyn Pedlar, who have combined investment management experience of more than 50 years. The objective of this portfolio is to provide the investor with long-term capital growth and relatively low levels of risk.
The portfolio is a multi-asset class fund of funds that leverages off Platinum's expertise in asset allocation and manager selection. Platinum’s time-tested investment philosophy is client focused, disciplined and thoughtful.
The portfolio's investment returns are due to the continual application of a disciplined investment philosophy, and process.
Platinum's investment decisions are objective and well researched. The portfolio's consistently good returns have been achieved as much by avoiding mistakes as by looking for opportunities for good returns.
MET Collective Investments is proud to have these investment managers as its co-label partners.