Medscheme has won two awards for service excellence in medical aid administration and managed care.
The Titanium Award for Service Excellence in Managed Care for Healthcare Entities, and the Titanium Award for Service Excellence in Administration were conferred at the 2016 Board of Healthcare Funders (BHF) conference held in Cape Town.
“Service excellence is something we have worked hard to achieve and we are extremely honoured to receive these prestigious awards. They reflect our commitment to providing high quality and innovative solutions for our clients,” said Medscheme CEO Kevin Aron.
“These awards confirm that we are on the right track in dealing with major healthcare challenges as well as in meeting and exceeding expectations of our clients and their members,” added Aron.
Medscheme, a subsidiary of AfroCentric Group was also honoured as the BHF Member of the Year at the BHF Titanium Awards event.
The Titanium awards, which form part of the annual BHF conference, recognise and celebrate industry and service excellence at a national level and annually provide a public stage for the crystallisation of multifaceted achievements at all levels of the healthcare sector. These awards recognise organisations for their spirit of resilience, hard work, dedication in upholding service ethics.
The award selection process independently assesses industry players based on a number of service related criteria including efficiency, innovation and member experience.
Medscheme administered clients, Bonitas Medical Fund and Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund received the Titanium Award for Service Excellence to members of Open Schemes and the Titanium Award for Service Excellence to members of Closed Schemes, respectively.