Stef Theofanidis - Head of Corporate Markets at Hollard (centre) Roland Cundill on the left and Steve Forcey on the right, both from Astra Maritime
Stef Theofanidis and Curt Meyer from Scintilla Underwriting Managers Seated are Annelize Kratz and Leigh Hammond, also from Scintilla
Two of the Hollard Insurance Group’s partners, Astra Maritime and Scintilla Underwriting Managers have received Diamond and Golden Arrow Awards at the Leaders and Achievers Awards, for an excellent score in the categories Marine Liabilities (in
The two partners were recognised at the prestigious awards ceremony held at the Hyatt Regency in Rosebank yesterday (Monday, February 25) following PMR Africa’s 2012 annual, national survey of Underwriting Managers and Agents in South Africa.
Astra and Scintilla were rated by a random sample of 120 directors, senior managers and short-term underwriting managers selected from short-term brokerage and short-term insurance companies. Survey respondents rated companies across a range of 11 attributes including adaptability, attitude, competence, confidence level of the underwriter, financial strength of the underwriter, full authorisation to accept/agree claim, innovativeness, know-how of advisors, quality, reputation (ie perception of the company’s brand, integrity, CSI) and speed. The interviews were conducted during September, October and November 2012.
Says Steven Forcey, Managing Director of Astra: “It is particularly gratifying to receive the Diamond Arrow Award for our work in this small but important area and bears testament to the quality and hard work of the Astra team.
"That we have been recognised by the broker market as the market leader proves that we are doing something right. We will not be complacent and will build upon this success so that we are seen as the marine insurer of choice across all marine classes.”
A delighted Jim Connolly,Mmanaging Director of Scintilla says: “We are proud to receive an award from our peers in the industry, itself in recognition of our service standards. Awards like these set the benchmark in the industry and are also an acknowledgement of the effort and hard work of our staff that have contributed to our success.
“After all, there is a successful team behind each successful and highly rated company, department or institution. The award enhances excellence in our industry and positions us as undisputed leaders in our field.”
Stef Theofanidis, Managing Director of Hollard Corporate Markets adds: “We’ve built our reputation around passion and commitment to creating lasting, relevant partnerships that provide unique niche insurance solutions and superior service to their chosen markets. That’s why we’re dedicated to ensuring our insurance partners realise their full potential by supporting them with best skills and best practice, as well through a truly aligned presence in their markets.
“Our insurance partners also enjoy the backing of our strong brand, tested reputation as insurance underwriters, solid balance sheet and our constantly developing international footprint. Our engagement style truly supports sustainable financial and aspirational alignment that seeks to achieve a win-win-win position for our customers, our partners and Hollard, respectively.”