
Another award for Rezco

05 May 2009 Rezco Value Trend
Wally Gray, Rezco

Wally Gray, Rezco

Rezco Value Trend, one of South Africa’s top performing unit trusts, has received a second prestigious industry award.

Rezco has been selected by the international rating agency, Morningstar, as the top performer in the Flexible Asset Allocation sector for the three years to 31 December 2008. The Morningstar Awards were restricted to the elite 17 top performing unit trusts in the country and are acknowledged internationally as the leading retail investment product awards.

Its relative risk-adjusted methodology is regarded as the most stringent and fairest measure of successful fund performance.

Earlier this year, Rezco received a local Raging Bull award as the top performer in its sector for the three years to December 2008.

Wally Gray, Rezco director believes that flowing from the meltdown in global financial markets, a period of unprecedented opportunity lies ahead once the remaining negative trends work their way out of the system. Rezco remains cautious currently with liquidity at 65% but is clearly focused on emerging equity opportunities in SA and offshore in China and Brazil.

The unit trust industry performance figures to 31 March 2009, released last week show Rezco Value Trend again at number 1 in its sector and number 1 against all domestic funds with a total return of 12,52% pa compared to 3,32% for the All Share Index, over a three year period.

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