
Compliance Officer joins Compli-Serve SA

06 March 2015 Compli-Serve SA
Anel Naude.

Anel Naude.

Compli-Serve SA is pleased to announce the appointment of Anél Naudé. She joins the team of compliance officers with extensive experience in Category I and Category II Financial Service Provider (FSP) compliance, and will be working with clients in Gauteng. She holds a B.Comm in Investment Management and has Honours in Business Management in Financial Management.

“Anél brings a wealth of knowledge with her and we are pleased to welcome her to the team,” says Richard Rattue, Managing Director of Compli-Serve SA.

Compli-Serve SA offers professional support and services to financial professionals, thus enabling businesses to meet the increasing challenge of regulatory compliance risk in today's environment.

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SA’s 2025 Budget appears unlikely to introduce major tax hikes, but bracket creep, fiscal debt, and policy uncertainty remain key concerns. What will have the biggest impact on financial planning after the budget?


Bracket creep
Government debt
Laffer Curve effects
Policy uncertainty
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