Category Investments

Predictions 2019 - High Anxiety

18 February 2019 Refinitiv and Reuters News

In Mel Brooks’ seminal 1977 Hitchcock parody “High Anxiety”, much of the action revolves around the Psycho-Neurotic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous. Investors may feel the need to book into a similar establishment in 2019. Too many huge decisions need to be called correctly to feel relaxed about the year ahead.

Ninety years after the Wall Street Crash, global geopolitics and markets are like the person scaling a building on our front cover — in an exposed and precarious position. And it’s a long way down. That’s why Reuters Breakingviews’ Predictions 2019 book is also titled “High Anxiety”. Most investors already understand that Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and his fellow central bankers could get it wrong on rates, and exacerbate an outlook in which major economies are likely to expand more slowly. What may be less obvious is which companies will roll with the punches, and which will finish 2019 laid out on the canvas.

Private equity, where deals are being done at high prices with lots of debt, is the perfect starting point. Our view is that the real fall guys from lower returns won’t be storied buyout barons like Blackstone, but those who have advanced them credit on generous terms. An exception is Masayoshi Son, whose $97 billion Vision Fund will have some difficult conversations with its investors as it writes down a spate of overpriced purchases.

This could be happening at the same time as geopolitical strains draw parallels with another classic film, “High Noon”. A December détente between U.S. President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping is a step forward, but relations between the two largest economies remain tense, and could worsen. In the corporate corral, guns will be drawn between activist investors and the French establishment, where we predict Vivendi and others are vulnerable.

Britain’s attempts to leave the European Union could yet avoid disaster, but a GDPsapping no-deal in March is still a major risk. Italy will continue to rile the European Union, which could branch off in a more eurosceptic direction with European Parliament elections in May. Italian banks will bear the brunt of any return of “Quitaly” risk.

And the potential for the U.S. Congress to do what Trump won’t — sanction Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October by Saudi agents — could destabilize the Middle East. But Trump now has the leverage to push MbS to undo many of his blunders — and keep oil prices low — and would be foolish not to use it.

Click here to download the Predictions for 2019 produced by Refinitiv and Reuters News


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SA’s 2025 Budget appears unlikely to introduce major tax hikes, but bracket creep, fiscal debt, and policy uncertainty remain key concerns. What will have the biggest impact on financial planning after the budget?


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