Discovery Health releases claims data for cancer and costs of the top three cancers.
The latest Discovery Health Healthcare Claims Tracker focuses on oncology claims, using claims data from Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS) for the year 2017. Cancer causes more deaths than HIV, Aids, tuberculosis and malaria combined and this special report, released for the first time this year, quantifies the spend by DHMS on oncology related claims in 2017 and reinforces the need for greater cancer awareness.
The report includes data based on various demographic indicators and oncology claims of South Africa’s largest, open medical scheme, Discovery Health Medical Scheme, with a membership of 2.7 million lives (as at the end of 2017). Data include the incidence (new diagnoses) and prevalence (proportion of total Medical Scheme members on active cancer treatment) of the top 10 types of cancer and treatment costs of the most prevalent cancers.).
Key findings on oncology claims in the Healthcare Claims Tracker include:
There has been a 10% increase in new cancer diagnoses and a 45% increase in DHMS members receiving active treatment:
• There were 7 597 DHMS members newly diagnosed with cancer in 2017 – an increase of 10% since 2011.
• 38 295 DHMS members are being actively treated for cancer, which equates to 1 394 people in every 100 000 – an increase of 45% over the past six years.
• There is a higher number of cancer diagnoses between the ages of 76 and 80.
• Men have a significantly higher number of new cancer diagnoses compared with females from the age of 56.
• Rates of new diagnoses are higher in women between the ages of 35 and 55.
• The Western Cape and Free State had the highest rates of new cancer cases in 2017.
• Limpopo and the Eastern Cape had the lowest rates of newly diagnosed patients.
Discovery Health Medical Scheme members have access to certain screening tests from their medical scheme benefits
Cancer is often unpredictable, but there are things everyone can do to help reduce their cancer risk or improve their chances of beating the disease if they do get it. It is important for members to go for regular cancer screening tests. Discovery Health’s Screening and Prevention Benefit pays for many of the screenings that members may need. Preventive screening is important in making sure medical conditions are detected early. Having these specific tests (up to the specified number) does not affect member’s day-to-day benefits.
The full oncology tracker is attached for your perusal, click here.