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Placing the patient in the center with palliative care

16 May 2023 Medscheme

We need to acknowledge the undeniable truth that none of us are exempt from facing a terminal illness or the inevitable effects of aging.

Despite our optimism about the power of modern medicine to conquer all diseases, there comes a point when we need to confront the reality of our own mortality. Depending on an individual's stage in this mortal journey, crucial healthcare decisions must be made regarding preferred care options. At this juncture, people tend to focus on hospice care, but many fail to realise that palliative care is an option much sooner.

Dr Jenni Noble, Head of Oncology at Medscheme, describes palliative care as an approach that focuses on coordinating care, providing relief from symptoms, and improving the quality of life for individuals with serious illnesses. “While palliative care is often associated with end-of-life or terminal care, it is increasingly recognised as beneficial at earlier stages of life-limiting illness, even when a person is not yet dying,” says Noble.

"Palliative care can be administered alongside active treatments and is applicable at any stage of a life-limiting disease. It is frequently provided by an integrated multi-disciplinary team of healthcare workers, often including a nurse, social worker, and a doctor,” says Noble.

Palliative care places a strong emphasis on addressing the symptoms caused by the disease and its treatments. The goal is to enable individuals to engage in daily activities and experience the best possible quality of life. Unlike aggressive curative treatments, Noble says palliative care recognises the importance of optimising the overall life experience within the limitations imposed by illness.

In addition to managing symptoms, the emotional support provided by a palliative care team is vital. When facing a serious illness, patients and their loved ones are often overwhelmed. “Palliative care teams are specifically trained to communicate effectively, demonstrating compassion and empathy. They create a safe environment where individuals can openly express their fears, concerns, and emotions. The team actively listens to their needs and preferences, recognising the importance of providing a supportive space during this challenging journey,” she adds.

According to Noble, a palliative team can help you understand the different treatment options available. It involves discussions about what matters most to you as individual and what you would like to happen when you cannot advocate for yourself. “This process is grounded in shared decision-making, ensuring that a person's values and preferences guide medical interventions.”

By addressing symptoms, managing side effects of treatment, and providing support, Noble says palliative care can facilitate the effectiveness of your medical treatments and interventions.

Furthermore, she says a key goal of any palliative care team is to reduce hospitalisations and enable the patient to remain at home, surrounded by your loved ones, in a familiar environment.

“Palliative care strives to minimise disruptions to your life, allowing you to maintain your daily routine and activities. At Medscheme, we advance the understanding and delivery of palliative care, encouraging its availability to members of the medical schemes in our portfolio. Our mission is to foster innovation, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice in palliative care.”

In an environment of increasing technological advancements, Noble says patients face complex treatment choices, which are all too frequently only in the hands of the treating specialist. “Let palliative care promote autonomy on your journey. This is good for the patient and the family – putting everyone at the centre of care decisions and improving quality of life for all involved,” Noble concludes.

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