Category Healthcare
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Patient organisation launches consumer-friendly information tool on medical schemes

07 February 2008 Patient Health Alliance for NGOs (PHANGO)

Widespread confusion among consumers about medical scheme options and plans may now be something of the past. As from 6 February, consumers can access free information on the internet that will help them to understand the complexities of medical scheme options and plans.

The Patient Health Alliance of Non-Governmental Organisations (PHANGO) has just released its Medical Scheme Information Tool (MSIT) for consumers on its website at The MSIT is a one-stop, consumer-friendly source of information about most open medical schemes available to the public.

PHANGO chairperson, Dr Vicki Pinkney-Atkinson, says the tool was developed to empower consumers. It will help them to make informed decisions when choosing a scheme that fits their healthcare needs and their pockets. `We hope that it will clear up some of the confusion about the extent of healthcare cover that the various medical scheme plans and options offer.'

Visitors to the site can use any of the following four ways to view formation:

  • Get summaries of scheme information.
  • Look at two schemes side by side.
  • Look at their scheme in context of others.
  • Get schemes that fit their criteria.

The most important feature of the tool is that consumers can look at specific aspects that may be important to them, such as cover for chronic conditions and hospitalization. In making a medical scheme choice and cover the tool lets them see what they might have to give up for the sake of a lower premium.

The MSIT does not offer advice on the funding of health care. Consumers are reminded on the site to seek professional health- and financial advice when making final decisions on these matters,' said Dr Pinkney-Atkinson

The website offers links to information about registered brokers and to the website of the Council for Medical Schemes. Other useful features include a glossary that explains words and phrases used in the medical schemes industry, as well as a section on Frequently Asked Questions that clarifies a variety of medical scheme related issues.

Consumers with no access to internet can contact PHANGO PALS on tel 011 463 8689, fax 088 011 706 4196

  • PHANGO, the custodian of the MSIT, is an umbrella body for patient organizations, with 26 members including CANSA, the SA Depression and Anxiety Group, the Heart and Stroke Foundation and Diabetes SA. It lobbies with decision-makers in government and the private sector on issues affecting access to and the quality of health care. Through its PHANGO PALS (Patient Access Links) initiative, it assists the public with information about access to healthcare resources.
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