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National Health Insurance - Districts Named

29 March 2012 Clayton Samsodien, Managing Director: Genesis Healthcare Consultants

The Green Paper on NHI stated that NHI will be piloted from 1 April 2012 across 10 districts. Minister Motsoaledi announced that ELEVEN districts have been selected as the launch of NHI gains momentum from 1 April 2012.

They are;

Two districts were selected in KwaZulu Natal, the reasons cited by the Minister was that the population is the second largest after Gauteng but also the most problematic in terms of size and rural districts. A third district in KwaZulu-Natal, Amajuba, was identified that will be funded by the Province’s own budget amounting to R110 million. KwaZulu-Natal is being blamed as it is the largest contributor to the low health indicators.

Although only rural districts were to be selected, Tshwane was selected due to its merger with another rural district last year. This measure bodes well with regards to piloting rural and urban districts. Unfortunately, 41 districts have been excluded hence it is business as usual in these areas.

The above numbers indicate that approximately 20% of the population will be covered amounting to 10 270 000 citizens. The main aim of the pilots is to reduce the congestion at hospitals and burden of disease. Further intentions are to reduce the high maternal and child mortality through district-based health interventions.

Thankfully the districts have been named and although limited information was provided, we at least know that the focus areas are to reduce child mortality and the burden of HIV and TB. The Health Minister stressed that the pilot is to “lay the building blocks for NHI”.

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