Category Healthcare
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FIA statement to healthcare brokers

27 November 2008 Financial Intermediaries Association (FIA)

Following publication in September of the Council for Medical Schemes’ (CMS) document regarding proposed regulatory amendments to the remuneration of healthcare intermediaries, a Joint Health Broker Forum (JBF) has been established by industry representatives.

Founded by the Financial Intermediaries Association of Southern Africa (FIA), the Financial Planning Institute (FPI), Black Broker Service Network (BBSN) and the South African Health Intermediaries Association (SAHIA), the JBF was formed in a bid to engage with the CMS in order to develop the most appropriate regulatory framework for healthcare intermediaries.

Says Linza van Aswegen (pictured), Chair of the FIA’s Executive Health Committee: “Healthcare intermediaries play an important role and fulfil a valuable service offering to consumers within the complicated medical schemes environment.

“We are committed to addressing the Council’s concerns and developing solutions that will benefit consumers, healthcare intermediaries, funders and other stakeholders.“

The FIA and FPI requested a workshop with the CMS in order to discuss the content and proposals outlined in the document. This workshop took place today and was facilitated by the CMS. “During the workshop, the JBF sought to clarify a number of issues mentioned in the CMS’ document. We will now consolidate our input and compile our proposal which will be submitted in time for the 6 February deadline next year,” says van Aswegen.

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