Over the past few weeks the press has been reporting that the National Consumer Commission (NCC) has taken the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS or Council) and some schemes to court. Medical schemes, and the businesses affiliated with them, are regulated
The information circulating in the public domain on this matter is extremely important and requires urgent clarification lest it be incomplete and/or incorrect.
Dr Monwabisi Gantsho, Registrar of Medical Schemes and Chief Executive of Council, clarifies the situation: "I wish to state for the record that neither Council nor any of the medical schemes we regulate have been served with court papers.
"We have asked the Consumer Commissioner, Ms Mamodupi Mohlala-Mulaudzi, for an urgent meeting in this regard, and we expect to receive a response soon. Members of medical schemes, medical schemes themselves, other entities we regulate as well as the public will be informed of the outcome of our discussions in due course.
"The cost of healthcare and benefit design are major issues under focus in many parts of the world, not only in South Africa. The Consumer Protection Act in particular, whose mandate is carried out by the NCC, makes the industry even more complex.
"Council believes that it remains best-suited and best-qualified to continue regulating the medical schemes industry to level the playing field, including the areas which the NCC has pointed out."