
Want to know your status?

12 December 2005 Angelo Coppola

The LOA has implemented an enquiry mechanism on its website ( where it is possible to determine whether a particular intermediary has been S referenced.

More information on the S reference system is also available on the LOA website under “Code of Conduct”.

The panel, after duly considering all the evidence presented to them, found that the following intermediaries were not fit and proper to be employed in the marketing of products of the long-term insurance industry.

Results of the hearing held on 11 October 2005 (Johannesburg)

The following intermediaries were S-referenced for a period of 5 years:

· Ms Johanna R Tshwona of Pretoria, Gauteng - Id no: 6403130476088 – she was S-referenced for submitting fictitious policies.

· Mr Justice L Lehapa of Pretoria, Gauteng - Id no: 7004275445083 – he was S-referenced for submitting fictitious policies.

Results of Hearing held on 19 October 2005 (Johannesburg)

· Ms Sekana Montague of Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu Natal - Id no: 6703160127083 – she was S-referenced for submitting fictitious policies.

· Ms Portia S Mogale of Namakgale, Gauteng - Id no: 8206080256089 – she was S-referenced for submitting a fictitious policy.

· Mr Mzuhleli M Magadla of Durban, KwazuluNatal Id no: 7706025762084 – he was S-referenced for submitting fictitious policies.

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