
Unauthorised debit orders and fraud

28 September 2017 Myra Knoesen
Myra Knoesen, FAnews Journalist

Myra Knoesen, FAnews Journalist

In support of compliance and education, Insure Group Managers hosted a seminar, at the FNB Conference Centre in Sandton, to discuss the changing landscape of debit orders in South Africa.

A panel of industry experts including Leticia Mentz, from the Payments Association of South Africa (PASA), as well as panel members from two leading South African Banks - Carol Evans (Rand Merchant Bank) and Matthew Coaker (Mercantile Bank), shared their expert views and opinions on the steps being taken to keep the environment credible, what the future holds for debit orders and the obligations to remain compliant.

The collections landscape 

According to Ian du Toit, Director at Insure Group Managers, “The debit order payment system is a back-bone of our business, our clients and the industry. The increasing trend of unauthorised debit orders and debit order fraud is of great concern. It is important that we educate and inform clients, staff and the industry on what needs to be done to keep the environment and our industry trustworthy,” he said.

According to Mentz, the debit order system is a good system. The issue is that we need to curb debit order abuse.

“EFT disputes rose by 29% from 2016 to 2017. Non-Authenticated Early Debit Order (NAEDO) disputes rose by 50% from 2016 to 2017. Debit order disputes come about as a result of either the user or consumer. The user submits a debit order with no mandate, or where the debit order information is outside the original mandate or where the debit order information is incorrect. The consumer on the other hand, disputes debit orders where valid mandates are in place,” continued Mentz.

“During 2017 there were 2265 instances of ‘no mandate’ resulting in penalties of R2 971 000. This, for example, emphasises the importance of giving a mandate and stating the critical information in voice conversations. The criteria most often absent from voice mandates are: abbreviated short name and beneficiary name,” said Mentz.

Avoid the regulator 

There are a specific set of requirements introduced by PASA to manage Debit Order Abuse. These govern the investigation and reporting process of users and the consequences of processing debit orders without mandates or deficient mandates, including the imposition of penalties and the addition of users who have perpetrated User Debit Order Abuse (UDOA), to the UDOA list.

There are three triggers for UDOA according to Evans, and this is how they are handled by RMB: breach of dispute ratios, accountholder complaint of UDOA and instruction by a regulatory body to PASA and/or its members to investigate UDOA.

“The penalty for non-provision of a mandate (or a deficient mandate) is R1000 per incident. If mandates are unobtainable for more than 10% of a random sample then the user will be flagged on a list by PASA. The user can only be removed from this list if all sample mandates are provided for three consecutive months” said Evans.

“We need to make debit orders work by keeping the bad users out of the system and making consumers aware of their obligations in the debit order system to avoid unnecessary disputes. We need to have these important conversations and narrow the playing field so we have a safe space to work in for both the user and consumer,” continued Mentz.

“We must continue to improve the safety and efficiency of debit orders and address the risks emanating from debit order abuse,” concluded Mentz.

It’s all about the mandate

Evans emphasised that minimum criteria and mandates must be in place. With some of the mandate requirements there is a minimum format that is required to be complied with for written, electronic and voice mandates.

“For the PASA UDOA process the following are deemed crucial criteria: abbreviated short name of the originator, user name, deduction date, deduction amount, surname, initial and bank account number of accountholder. The user must obtain specific acceptance by the accountholder of understanding and obligations in the instances of voice recorded and electronic mandates. In the instance of signed written mandates, the signed (authorised) mandate copies must be provided to the accountholder prior to any payment instructions being submitted in terms of that particular mandate. In the instance of voice recorded and electronic mandates, written confirmation of the mandate must be provided to the accountholder prior to any payment instructions being submitted in terms of that particular mandate and within 30 calendar days of the mandate being entered into,” continued Evans.

 “2017 has seen the launch of Authenticated Collections which will be known as “DebiCheck” and by 2019, will be the only early debit order allowed,” said Coaker. 

“The industry benchmark is for disputes to be below 0.5% of the volumes. As of October 2019 NAEDO will no longer exist. DebiCheck will come into play. All current NAEDO will have to be migrated to DebiCheck or normal EFT debit orders by this date and banks and collectors will need to educate consumers about the advantages of DebiCheck,” said Coaker.

“A key feature of DebiCheck is that electronic consumer confirmation will be required before any such debit order is processed which provides some protection against disputes in certain cases. The mandate types will include fixed, variable and usage based mandates. DebiCheck is confirming, electronically and on a once-off basis, a debit order with the bank,” he continued.

It is all about the mandate and critical requirements in the debit order landscape and dispute arena. Focus on getting the process right, and introduce standards that are going to be maintained going forward,” concluded Coaker.

Editor’s Thoughts:
As du Toit mentioned, the environment is going to change therefore it is important to know and understand what these changes will be and how they will affect us. Do you believe DebiCheck will simplify and ease processes? Please comment below, interact with us on Twitter at @fanews_online or email me your thoughts


Added by M.OMAR, 24 Feb 2024
Is a Debit order valid if one member in a Cc Disputes the signature in the mandate.

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Added by JJ, 19 Jul 2019
Direct Axis debited on a date not agreed to and the deduction not discussed or authorized by me. Is this allowed?
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Added by Misumzi Elvis Sikade, 22 Jan 2018
Thank you this is a great idea hoping that it is going to help the most poor people who are the victim of these scams including myself there are monies that are debited on my account without my mandate sum of R99.00, I've tried to check all the leads all in vain I'm send to pillar to post with the numbers that I got from the bank. I trust that when idea is final and come into practice will assist a lot of South Africans. I fully support this.
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Added by Ian du Toit, 03 Oct 2017
We at Insure Group are very pleased with the good response we got to our events and also for the interesting comments here. It was clear during the events that there are lots of frustration our there regarding the debit order environment - but that the role players (and especially PASA) are really working hard to make this a trustworthy payment system. Although frustrating, the best point to start is always your bank ... and continue doing so until the problem is resolved. Thanks for the insightful comments.
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Added by Myra, 02 Oct 2017
Hi Kobus and Melissa,

Thank you. Insure Group Managers definitely did great job in bringing awareness on the subject matter.

Melissa perhaps you can call PASA or visit the PASA website for more information to answer your question.
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Added by Kobus Kleyn, 01 Oct 2017
Great article Myra on a subject matter which can lead to great abuse if fingers are not kept on the pulse. Good awareness from Insure Group Managers
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Added by Arnold, 28 Sep 2017
One wonders wat the 2265 transgressions is as percentage of the total number of debit orders processed in the same period. Also what the growth in debit orders are over time.
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Added by Kenny, 28 Sep 2017
Be glad when NAedo goes, causes problems with clients
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Added by Melissa Nield, 28 Sep 2017
Thank you, this is a great article. I do however have a question though. As a person who is in charge of monitoring our company's collection efforts we face great difficulties in Dispute volumes, not because of invalid mandates / debit orders but rather misuse of the ability to easily Dispute the debits. We find an ever increasing volume of our clients use the easy apps, online features and bank call centers to dispute debits in order to return funds so they can have liquidity for spending. Has this factor been taken into consideration when conducting the various studies noted in the article?
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