(27.7.04) Report by the Insider Trading Directorate shows that three new cases have been added to the current list.
These include an investigation into share transactions in Wetherlys Investment Holdings Limited during July 2003, an investigation into share transactions in CS Computer Services Holdings Limited during April 2004 and an investigation into share transactions in Amalgamated Appliance Holdings Limited during July 2004 have been added to the investigation list.
The investigations into share transactions in Cadiz Holdings Limited and Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited were closed. Investigations are "closed" once it becomes evident that no, or insufficient evidence has been obtained to warrant action in terms of the Insider Trading Act.
The Directorate could not consider the possibility of a civil action against any party with regard to Specialised Outsourcing Limited, as the transactions that were investigated occurred before the Insider Trading Act came into operation.
The Directorate referred the matter to the Registrar of Stock Exchanges and recommended that the investigation files be handed over to the Criminal Investigation Authorities who are in the process of investigating other matters related to this company.
There are eight cases currently under investigation.