In terms of section 9(1) of the Financial Markets Act, 2012 (“the Act”) the Registrar of Securities Services (“the Registrar”) may, after consideration of any objection received as a result of a notice referred to in section 7(4) and subject to any conditions which the Registrar may consider appropriate, grant an exchange licence to perform the functions referred to in section 10 if-
(a) the applicant complies with the relevant requirements of this Act; and
(b) the objects of this Act referred to in section 2 will be furthered by the granting of an exchange licence.
The Registrar received and considered an application for an exchange licence from A2X and has, in terms of section 9(1) of the Act, granted A2X an exchange licence with conditions after careful consideration of objections received as a result of a notice referred to in section 7(4).
For further information regarding these licences you may visit the Financial Services Board website at