• Reinsurance pursuing a targeted growth strategy, with strong contribution from Transactions and Solutions
• Growth strategy in natural catastrophe business supported by establishment of Alternative Capital Partners
• Corporate Solutions making progress in transforming to a more focused, profitable and resilient commercial insurance business
• Life Capital creating economic value through strong growth of iptiQ
• Swiss Re’s capital position remains very strong, providing the basis for attractive growth opportunities and shareholder returns
At today’s Investors’ Day, Swiss Re confirms its strategy, targets and capital management priorities, underlining its unique client access, leading risk knowledge and capital strength as key drivers of success. The Reinsurance Business Unit is the foundation of the Group’s strength, with increasing earnings power. Corporate Solutions is focused on returning to profitability and leveraging its competitive advantages. Life Capital is creating economic value for the Group by expanding its open book business. Swiss Re’s capital position remains very strong.
Swiss Re’s 2019 Investors’ Day can be followed via a live webcast, starting at 11:00 GMT. For more information, please click here. You can access the webcast here.
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