More than 40 million South Africans are now mobile phone users, and most are becoming increasingly comfortable with a wide range of functionality that phones enable. One such capability is the ability to have an interactive relationship in real-time with a financial institution.
In line with this trend, STANLIB today launched “STANLIB Mobile”, an application which will enable all clients and intermediaries with the ability to view their full investment portfolio (unit trusts, linked investments, retirement portfolios and offshore investments) via their cellphone.
This is the first time that STANLIB intermediaries and investors will be able to view client statements, check investment balances, as well as view asset allocation and fund allocations via their cellphone. In addition, an intermediary will be able to email a client their statements direct from their cellphone.
“The majority of intermediaries serve their clients out of the office and are mobile workers. The STANLIB Mobile solution will now offer the intermediary the opportunity to discuss their client’s investment portfolio by simply using their cellphone – something they never leave home without,” says Anthony Katakuzinos – Retail Chief Operating Officer at STANLIB.
“While some industry players do offer clients and intermediaries the opportunity to view their share portfolio online, this is the first time that STANLIB clients and intermediaries will be able to view their investment portfolio via a mobile platform,” Katakuzinos adds.
“Increasing numbers of consumers around the world are becoming more sophisticated and involved in their investment decisions. Having access to investment information via a cellphone enables real-time decision-making intelligence. In line with this global trend, we have launched the STANLIB Mobile offering,” he says.
Users, who have registered through the STANLIB Online secure website, will be able to use the mobile service 24 hours a day.
The STANLIB Mobile offering is accessible on web-enabled mobile devices such as the iPhone, Blackberry, Nokia and most other handsets.
“The launch of STANLIB Mobile is part of the evolution of our client experience. Recently we have improved and enhanced, as well as STANLIB Online, our secure online platform. Through STANLIB Online clients have access to all their investment details, investment graphs and statements and transactional capability.” Katakuzinos says.
“STANLIB Online and STANLIB Mobile provide our intermediaries and investors real-time information about their client’s investments and empower them with the necessary information to assist their clients with their financial progression.”