
Santam launches Be Safe Out There campaign

08 July 2013 Anel Grobler, Head of Corporate Branding at Santam

Santam, South Africa’s largest short-term insurer is launching its new Be Safe Out There campaign today.

Be Safe Out There highlights interesting findings and advice about insurance claims in a new and stimulating way.

With a market share of 23%, Santam has utilised its broad experience and vast data in order to engage with people on a topic that is highly relevant to all South Africans - the personal safety of individuals and their loved ones.

The aim of the campaign is to show consumers how small changes in their daily behaviour and a shift in attitude can play a big role in keeping them and their possessions safe and avoid unwanted accidents and damage.

Starting from today, each day this week, Santam will reveal a daily risk with tips and advice to help consumers mitigate future risk, on their website

Facebook users can also find and ‘like’ the campaign on Santam’s Facebook page.

Today is “Nothing Works Day”, which speaks to that after a weekend of hard labour, statistically more geysers and home appliances pack in on a Monday than any other day of the week.

Some people are not aware that their geyser/pipes are damaged, so they wouldn't pay attention to these until something happens.

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