
Infiniti Insurance blends disruption with tradition in proactive digital platform

10 October 2019 Infiniti Insurance
Sharon Paterson, CEO at Infiniti Insurance

Sharon Paterson, CEO at Infiniti Insurance

Infiniti Insurance says innovation for the sake of innovation alone is not enough – digital pioneering works best when combined with good old-fashioned values.

For an industry once steeped in tradition, digital innovation has become incredibly important to the insurance industry. Rightly so – the current policyholder’s rallying cry is that they want customised solutions with minimal admin – right away.

Infiniti Insurance was one of the first to develop a market-driven platform that targets the very operating system clients, brokers and insurers use. It is a sophisticated digital platform closer to CRM than to the fraught, hit-and-miss previous processes of cold calling. Our online experience has been well tested by clients and brokers alike.

As a comprehensive short-term insurance offering, the reach of Infiniti’s immediacy is impressive. From less complex covers like motor vehicle and personal belongings to liability and business insurance, everything can be covered in real time, as soon as the policy holder has given essential information required. There is no waiting period – acceptance or denial of cover by Infiniti is instantaneous.

Infiniti Online enables prospective clients to request a quote and get cover Immediately, online. In addition, there is the option to access personal broker care with another simple click of the button. The intermediaries in question are handpicked independent brokers and specialist insurance entrepreneurs, so swift and knowledgeable help is guaranteed. Policyholders can determine the level of human interaction and interface that they want at all times with the very modern benefits of everything being available instantly as only online can deliver - a high-quality, flexible customer experience from the outset.

Practically, this means immediate cover and updated cover in real-time as they change their policy with access to the platform via either cell phone, traditional browser, email or any device they choose. You as their broker can equally make changes to the policy in real time and the change is immediately forwarded to both you and your client. Claims can be logged via an app, enabling concurrent correspondence with you, the broker, voiding the need for what was once a stressful stream of phone calls following an already stressful life event.

Brokers can rejoice too. The client remains the brokerage client and Infiniti pay brokerage to the broker for guiding the client through the sales process and offering them advice over and above the advice given through the online platform. Thereafter either the client or the broker can access the client’s account to add or delete any items.

While this approach allows clients to enjoy the platform at their own pace without harassment, brokers can access the online platform to facilitate sales to their own clients, stream-lining the insurance process.

By targeting the actual operating system used by clients, insurer and broker alike, Infiniti has found solid ground on which to hang its innovator’s hat.

By changing the way underwriting and claims are processed into a real-time and transparent multi-way machine, the best of all worlds has been found. Brokers are freed up for more high-yield and targeted work by knowing that they’re reaching out only to those who really want and need them.

At the same time brokers can assure their ever security-conscious customers (and feel safe from a POPI penalty themselves) knowing the system is safe, compliant and up to date. All data is code-controlled on the system.

The company believes it is the first time a CRM-resembling platform has been built with functionality equally favouring both client centricity and brokers.

“At Infiniti Insurance, we believe in continually striving to improve the customer experience. We know that clients need and expect immediate access to everything. Why should they wait to enjoy cover? Why not have it a soon as all relevant documentation has been sent and they’ve clicked ‘pay’? At the same time, clients can still access brokers and the expertise that they offer,” says Paterson.

Infiniti has provided an intuitive platform for brokers that offer a CRM-on-steroids partners’ channel to win new clients. The client is at the centre.

“We hope to show the industry through our platform that a thoughtful and multi-dimensional implantation of fully integrated technologies can marry traditional values and immediacy through innovation. With care and some out-of-the-box thinking, we can meet the broadest and most diverse consumer cultures through freedom of choice – and meet it immediately, at the point of access,” concludes Paterson.

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