In March 2016,Discovery made an investment of R1 million through its Discovery Fund to support the excellent work of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) in the public health system. With the aim of the TAC being to empower people with knowledge of their rights, about scientific developments and about treatment, the Trustees of the Discovery Fund supported this investment for continued work around HIV and tuberculosis treatment and education. Discovery Fund provides support to a range of primary healthcare organisations that effect broader change in society and go beyond the traditional approach to social investment.
Commenting on this investment, Dr Jonathan Broomberg, CEO of Discovery Health says, “Discovery has always admired the courageous and pioneering work of the TAC and its many achievements in gaining access to life saving healthcare for millions of South Africans, and is proud to be able to offer additional support to TAC to continue its excellent work. “
The TAC, founded in 1998 to campaign for access to antiretroviral (ARV) medicines for people living with HIV, has since evolved to incorporate a range of issues, for example, revealed deficiencies in the procurement and distribution of ARVs in many provinces; a need to review patent laws to encourage health research and development and local innovation; affordable access to drugs and health services; poor management and quality of care in many facilities; and other system failures to manage TB/HIV co-infection and food security for people taking ARVs.
“Discovery Health has always tried to support NGOs and the public healthcare system as critical elements of an integrated national healthcare system. We believe that this funding for the TAC will support the TAC in its efforts to strengthen the public health system in this critical area of need and care,” says Broomberg.
The TAC’s main focus areas for 2016 are:
• Building community activism;
• Health systems strengthening;
• Monitoring and critically evaluating the National Strategic Plan; and
• Working towards universal access to affordable quality medicines.
The Discovery Fund’s investment is to support TAC’s core activities and does not tie or limit TAC to any agenda. Discovery recognises that there may be positions TAC takes, for example in relation to the regulation of private health care, that it disagrees with and vice versa. In this respect the Discovery Fund’s investment is recognition of the importance of social justice advocacy in the context of South Africa’s Constitutional Framework.