Available to all Avis Rent a Car customers at 10 locations nationally from 31 July 2017, the Avis SafeDrive app is uniquely integrated with Discovery Insure’s breakthrough telematics technology and its behavioural app-based programme, proven to help make South African roads safer.
The app is available on Android and IOS, so customers will be able to access trip data, see their driving scores, learn what they can do to improve them and redeem discretionary daily rewards.
“We’re excited to partner with Discovery Insure to launch Avis SafeDrive to encourage our customers to have a safer driving experience,” said Rainer Gottschick, Chief Executive at Avis Rent a Car Southern Africa.
“Avis data shows that rental cars are involved in a higher rate of accidents due to the frequency of their use and because clients use them with less caution than they would their own vehicles. With Avis SafeDrive, clients receive immediate feedback on their driving through the app, and are guided to accumulate points for good driving to unlock daily rewards such as a free coffee, smoothies or meals.”
Priced at R45 a day, the new product offers car rental customers a range of additional safety features which include:
• ImpactAlert: In the event of a harsh G-force affecting the vehicle, an automatic alert is sent to Discovery Insure emergency services, which triggers immediate assistance. This ensures that when a client is injured or unable to call for help, it will already be on its way.
• Panic Button: A discreet tool for any emergency - press your smartphone’s power button five times in quick succession to dispatch immediate assistance to your location.
• Access to the Avis 24-hour Breakdown and Emergency Call Centre.
• Severe Weather alerts via SMS, warning you to stay off the roads.
“More than 90% of accidents are the result of poor driver behaviour,” explained COO of Discovery Insure Francois Theron. “This includes speeding, using a mobile phone while driving and driving late at night.
“When paired with a smartphone, our telematics technology measures and reports back in real-time on acceleration, braking, cornering, speed, driving time, distance, trip location and mobile-phone use while driving. Discovery Insure’s accident frequency has dropped by 11% over 5 years as a result of rating and incentivising clients to improve their driving behaviour.” Theron concluded.
“With people being more important than cars, we would like to encourage our customers to use a system that has been tested and proven. We are committed to implementing technological advancements that encourage a safe driving experience for all our customers,” concluded Gottschick.
For more information about how Avis SafeDrive works and how to activate the app visit; https://www.avis.co.za/drive-avis/car-hire-extras/avis-safe-drive