Category Tax

Werksmans Legal Brief December: Navigating the 2008 Tax Amendments

09 December 2008 Werksmans

The Revenue Laws Amendment Bill and the Revenue Laws Second
Amendment Bill were tabled in Parliament on 21 October 2008. These Bills provide for some fairly wide-ranging and substantive changes to the fiscal terrain, and the more important amendments are dealt with hereunder.

A number of these amendments have different effective or
commencement dates, which will be detailed where appropriate. Except for these, the amendments to the Income Tax Act (the Act) are deemed to come into operation as from the commencement of tax years ending on or after 1 January 2009, so that they will apply, for example, for the years ending 28 February, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December 2009.

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SA’s 2025 Budget appears unlikely to introduce major tax hikes, but bracket creep, fiscal debt, and policy uncertainty remain key concerns. What will have the biggest impact on financial planning after the budget?


Bracket creep
Government debt
Laffer Curve effects
Policy uncertainty
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