Having been introduced to the apprentices and Judge Theo Pauw in the first episode ‘Meet the Apprentices’, the tasks for The Insurance Apprentice begin.
In what seemed to be a week set for intense grilling and challenging tasks, the apprentices headed to the boardroom where Judge Pauw and his fellow panel members for the day, Marcel Wood, Head: Risk Improvement Services at Hollard Insurance, and Vuyo Lee, Group Executive; Brand and Corporate Affairs at MMI Holdings, deliberated on the first task for the day and their expectations of the assigned teams.
The task for the day, sponsored by Hollard Insurance, set the tone for The Insurance Apprentice as the apprentices were placed at the very foot of insurance and what it entails.
Assessing risk
In the second episode of The Insurance Apprentice titled Risk Assessment 101 readers can watch the apprentices in action as they head out to the Johannesburg Art Museum to identify, evaluate, and mitigate an insurance risk. A big thank you to EuropAssist who made sure that the Apprentices were safely taken to the Art Gallery and back.
Wood accompanied the apprentices to the museum to keep a watchful eye on them and acted as mentor to assist them if they have any questions. This was after all a learning experience too and the role of the mentor was critical in the week’s activities.
Hours later, the apprentices nervously waited to head to the boardroom to begin their presentations to the ‘insurer’ who would, after the presentation, decide if they would take on the risk.
Which team took the various issues into consideration and did they stick to the mandate? Hear the verdict and what Judge Pauw has to say in episode 2: part 1 and part 2.
Stay tuned
We remind you to stay tuned in the weeks ahead and look out for the episodes as they will be released every Friday.
AON is the social media sponsor for The Insurance Apprentice, so watch out for episode links and photos on their Facebook and Twitter pages. Help us like, share and retweet these as they come out. Or simply follow @Aon_SouthAfrica
The second episode was sponsored by Hollard Insurance.
Editor’s Thoughts:
It will be interesting to see the six individuals in action as they play out their roles in each task, given that they all have various skills and knowledge. Please comment below, interact with us on Twitter at @fanews_online or email me your thoughts myra@fanews.co.za
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