The Insurance Apprentice seems to be on everyone’s lips in the industry and we have and continue to receive positive feedback. With the first season of The Insurance Apprentice almost coming to an end, it is overwhelming to say the least, of the amount of support we have received from companies who have and continue to share episodes and spread the word about this initiative to fellow staff and colleagues, bearing in mind that they had to and continue to share the episodes on the intranets, as a result of YouTube being blocked on company networks.
We would like to thank the companies who have taken the time to share this series with work colleagues and staff. Marsh Africa, Mutual & Federal, Fulcrum Group and Alexander Forbes have taken the initiative to share the episodes on the intranets. Alexander Forbes booked the auditorium in Sandton and a meeting room in each region for Fridays between 12h00 and 13h00 and during this time they have two screenings and everyone gets popcorn while they watch the next installment of the action.
We really would like to thank Alexander Forbes for doing this as we believe this is especially beneficial for the younger staff. And I have a feeling that we are going to have a huge amount of applications from Alexander Forbes this year once entries open for season two of The Insurance Apprentice.
It has been weeks filled with challenging and exciting tasks, but as the apprentices rallied through their final task for The Insurance Apprentice 2015, they were faced with what seemed to be a difficult audience to captivate.
Before we move onto sixth episode which covers the final task, here is a brief recap of task four.
A brief recap
In episode five part 1 and part 2 of The Insurance Apprentice titled ‘understanding our customers’ we watched the apprentices test the unknown waters as they developed a client value proposition.
The apprentices had to put on their thinking caps as their creative minds came together, and readers got a glimpse of their skilful persuasion at play.
Team Creative Solutions consisting of Roxanne, Mopedi and Aaron won the fourth task of the week.
Insurance as a career
In the sixth episode of The Insurance Apprentice, the apprentices were taken out of their comfort zones yet again, as they headed to East Bank High School, in the heart of Alexandra, with thanks to Europ Assistance who transported them to the school, to face what had to be one of their toughest audiences.
The task for the day, sponsored by INSETA saw the apprentices complete a challenging task of persuading 40 Grade 11 students into considering insurance as a career path of choice in the future.
Judge Theo and his fellow panel members Neesha Naidoo, Project Office Manager at INSETA, and Vuyo Lee, accompanied the apprentices to the school as they sat in and listened during the presentations.
Bearing in mind that this was a younger audience, each team’s level of creativity was tested to the max as they tried to entice the students and win over their votes.
Questions were asked by the students and each team strategically tried to answer the questions as they interacted with the students.
Did they win the learners over? Which team won? Hear the verdict and what Judge Theo had to say in episode 6: part 1 and part 2.
Stay tuned
Please note that with the upcoming holidays release dates have changed. The final episode will be released on Wednesday 8 April.
AON is the social media sponsor for The Insurance Apprentice, so watch out for episode links and photos on their Facebook and Twitter pages. Help us like, share and retweet these as they come out. Or simply follow @Aon_SouthAfrica
The sixth episode was sponsored by INSETA.
Editor’s Thoughts:
Insurance is not the first and obvious career of choice as learners are often completely unaware or miss informed about the various career paths in insurance. The apprentices faced a challenging task of persuading the learners and there is no doubt that some of them will consider insurance as a career path of choice in the future. Please comment below, interact with us on Twitter at @fanews_online or email me your thoughts
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