
Now a hole in one won’t cost you a fortune (nor will your bad slice)

06 April 2009 AIG

Golf etiquette is very strict on this: you have to buy the clubhouse a round of drinks if you get a hole in one and if you’re a member of a large club, that can set you back more than R10 000.

But now there is an alternative to not shouting about the happiest moment of your life – after your wedding day that is – to avoid coughing up for drinks.

Kevin Skuse, Regional Warranty and Plus+ Manager at AIG South Africa, said that in response to demand from clients, AIG has introduced SA’s first Golfer’s Insurance which provides reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of scoring a hole in one at any golf course or club.

“Golf is the fastest growing sport in the world,” said Skuse.

“It makes a lot of sense to introduce specific coverage for a sport that is so popular in South Africa.”

The payout for a hole in one is the more lighthearted side of this insurance. “We recently settled a bar tab for just over R5 000 on behalf of one of our clients. He was obviously elated he hit a hole in one and quite relieved that he did not have to pay for the expensive celebratory round of drinks.”

And for the hacks all around South Africa who think their chances of a hole in one are remote, Golfer’s Insurance also provides protection for them too. The additional coverages provided with this insurance protect against more serious perils such as personal injury or death, liability for injury or property damage to others and loss of golf equipment which may occur on a golf course or club.

The potential for property damage and physical injury is real even on the quietest of golf courses. “It’s perfect for those who have a bad hook or slice,” notes Skuse.

“And the cover provides for the loss of clubs and other golf related items. Even your yellow, green and brown plus fours which cause car alarms to go off,” said Skuse.

The Golfer’s Insurance ranges between R10 to R40 per month, monthly, depending on cover chosen and is part of AIG’s South Africa’s new Plus+ products insurance offering which has a special product for each life stage and the needs that go with it.

The Plus+ products provide various low-cost coverages such as protection against ID theft, fraudulent charges, faulty appliances and ATM assault. It can even provide cash payment in the event of disaster damage to one’s home.

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